Waste Water Treatment System Refurbishment in Sunseed’s Main House By Communication Coordinator on March 27, 2013 - Category : Sunseed News - Tags : 30th Anniversary, african fridge, Agrosyntropic, Aguilas The initial phase of the refurbishment of the waste water system of the Sunseed’s Main House has finished. Here you can read the related documentation. 2012Apr Waste water system treatment assessment in the main house of Sunseed Desert Technology and 2013Mar Waste water system treatment assessment in the main house of Sunseed Desert Technology. Additionally, Sarka Voriskova has ellaborated a Summary of The waste water treatment system in Sunseed’s Main House 2013.La fase inicial de la reforma del sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales en la Main House de Sunseed ha finalizado. Aquí puedes consultar los documentos relacionados. 2012Apr Waste water system treatment assessment in the main house of Sunseed Desert Technology y 2013Mar Waste water system treatment assessment in the main house of Sunseed Desert Technology. Además, Sarka Voriskova ha elaborado un Summary of The waste water treatment system in Sunseed’s Main House 2013. 0