…at the small house, which will be the new kitchen for Isabellas.
..at the small house, which will be the new kitchen for Isabellas. Ecoconstruction News!
In case the sun isn’t shining, in futur times we will just have to “cicle some kilometers” with the bici-generator to get some electricity. With 12 volts and around 50 watts we well be able to play music on cloudy days or watch a film.
Recipe 1:
10 bitter oranges
1 apple
1/2 kg sugar
a little bit of rum
Recipe 2:
10 bitter oranges
1 lemon
1/2 kg sugar
ginger (1 small, fresh)
40 minutes boiling before adding the sugar, 20 boiling after adding it.
In the Communication and Education Department we are planning the Summer coursees. Berhard an old friend of Sunseed supported by the Organic Gardening and the Communication and Education Department is organizing 2 courses for the summer on Seed Saving: one in english on the 8-9 June and another one in Spanish on the 27-28th July. The Applycation process is open! would you be willing to help us?
For more information: visit Course Page!
Facebook event
En el departamento de Comunicación y Educación estamos empezando la planificación de los cursos de verano! Berhard un amigo de Sunseed desdes hace ya mucho tiempo junto con el apoyo de Departamento de Agricultura Ecologica y el Departamento de Comunicación va a realizar dos cursos en verano, uno en ingles el 8 y 9 de junio y otro en castellano el 27 y 28 de julio.
El plazo de inscripción esta abierto!Nos ayudas a darle difusión al evento?
Más información en la pagina del curso.
Puedes seguir la evento en Facebook.