We finally have a new polytunnel! This will be a protected space for propagating seedlings.
We were kindly donated the hoops by a local farmer who no longer needed them and we used the plastic cover from our old polytunnel so it cost almost nothing to build.
The plastic is buried in the ground on the sides to make it tight. The hoops are cemented into the ground and are connected with side struts to make the structure really strong and durable.
We decided it would make sense to create an area specifically for seed saving for a variety of reasons: making it clear that the plants are only for saving, not for harvesting; making it easier to prevent cross-pollination (i.e. for brassicas); and having a space for plants that take two years to produce seed (i.e. carrots).
We chose part of Terrace Uno for our purpose and, like in other gardens, installed a drip irrigation system and built raised beds. We have planted/transplanted beetroots, carrots, oriental greens – purple flowering choi sum and mizuna, broccolis, lettuces and shallots.
Now is the time for harvesting beetroot, walking through the almond blossom and hanging out with the bees who pollinate the flowers while feeding from their sweet nectar.
We have various patches of beetroot in the gardens planted at different times to ensure an extended harvest. During cold spells its growth slows right down, but after a nice warm period we harvested 10kg from one row in the Patch. We ate some fresh, grated into salads, some cooked and some preserved in jars for eating when we have none to harvest. Beetroot is a great crop to grow as it can grow in partial shade and does not need lots of water or nutrients, you can also eat the leaves like chard or spinach.