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conserva alcaparrasToday we set off early in the morning for a beautiful walk in the area called Barrancones. There, we collected various types of seeds, needed for soil regeneration,…as well as capers, which come in two shapes: one, the caper fruit, and the other, the caper flower. It is easy to get them from the bushes, but…..Ouch!!!,… careful with their branches’ thorns! Then, all sweaty, we came back for our break. After it, we went to collect thyme, rosemary and laurel, as we were about to prepare the capers for their preservation. It was interesting to follow this process…First, we put them to soak in water for five days, changing the water once every day; then, we separated the caper fruits from the caper flowers and put each type in a jar. Following this, we poured vinegar, covering a third of each jar and added water to the rest…This process ended by adding also a pinch of salt. We also put a type of herb into each jar to enhance the caper’s flavour: thyme, rosemary and laurel…  Then, a little trip to the food store to keep the jars there for five days, and….that’s it!,…a very simple and healthy way to preserve our capers……..Humm!.conserva alcaparrasHoy empezamos temprano en la mañana a caminar hacia un area llamada Barrancones. Allí recogimos una variedad de semillas, que se utilizan para la regeneración de nuestra tierra…Y también recogimos alcaparras, que vienen en dos formas: los alcaparrones y las alcaparras. Es fácil recogerlas de sus arbustos, pero…..¡¡¡aaay!!!,……¡cuidado con las espinas de sus ramas!. Entonces, todos sudados, regresamos para la pausa. Después de ésta, fuimos a recolectar tomillo, romero y laurel, pues íbamos a proceder a preparar las alcaparras para su conservación. Fue interesante observar este proceso…Primero, las pusimos de remojo por cinco días, cambiando el agua una vez cada día; luego separamos las alcaparras y pusimos cada tipo en una jarra…Después, vertimos vinagre, cubriendo un tercio de cada jarra y después  añadimos agua…Y al final, un poco de sal. También añadimos un tipo de hierba a cada jarra, para aumentar el sabor de las alcaparras: tomillo, romero y laurel…A continuación, un paseíto a la despensa para dejar las jarras ahí por cinco días,… ¡y ya está!…una manera sencilla y sana de conservar nuestras alcaparras……….¡Humm!

  • You can choose to join it as a donor or as an activist

  • Donors can choose how to use their money: for a fund to support volunteers or for a specific department

  • Activists can organize fundraising events, lectures, presentations and participate in festivals to publicize Sunseed’s activity

Sunseed Desert Technology is relaunching Sunseed’s Donors and Activists Net: Friends of Sunseed (FoS). The Communication and Education Department has been working for more than two months on its design, planning and implementation.

Some of the aims of this relaunch are to strengthen the relationship with all the people that visit us every year, to keep a constant and active contact with them and to make them part of the organization even from a distance. In addition, we would like to consolidate a stable and durable net of social and economic support that could allow us to continue developing our vision.


People who would like to join can do it as activists raising Sunseed’s voice in their neighbourhoods or among their friends, or as donors through monthly contributions that would permit Sunseed to continue demonstrating and communicating low-impact lifestyles, as well as increasing the number of volunteers. Both figures have a fundamental role in Sunseed. Obviously, one thing does not rule out the other: one can be an Activist and Donor at the same time, or can switch from Activist to Donor (or vice versa) at any time.

Today, July 25th, there has been a presentation of Friends of Sunseed for the volunteers, coordinators and assistants that are currently living at Sunseed. After the presentation of the network and the different ways to take part in it, the volunteers were invited to think about the initiatives they can develop to communicate Sunseed’s activity in their countries.

We are sure that this project will help us to continue developing, demonstrating, investigating and communicating forms of low-impact lifestyles thanks to the wide community of volunteers/visitors/activists/donors that visit us every year.

If you want to know more about Friends of Sunseed, visit our new website and contact us at any time in case of doubts or suggestions.

More information at Friends of Sunseed Website:

If you are interested in supporting or helping us even without being part of the net Friends of Sunseed, contact us at any time.

We hope to see you soon among our Friends and maybe among our volunteers here in Los Molinos.

– Las personas podrán elegir unirse a ella como donantes o activistas.

– Los donantes podrán elegir donde va dirigido su dinero y destinarlo a un fondo para apoyar a voluntari@s o para un departamento en concreto.

– Los activistas podrán organizar eventos de recaudación de fondos, charlas, presentaciones y asistir a festivales para publicitar el trabajo de Sunseed

Sunseed Tecnología del Desierto ha decidido relanzar la Red de Donantes y Activistas de Sunseed ( Friends of Sunseed- FoS) . Para ello, el departamento de Comunicación y Educación lleva más de dos meses trabajando en su diseno, planificación e implementación.

Unos de los objetivos de relanzar la red es fortalecer la relación con todas las personas que nos visitan cada año, mantener un contacto constante y activo con ell@s y hacerles participes de la organización también desde la distancia. Además, pretendemos consolidar una red de apoyo social y económico estable y duradera que nos permita continuar desarrollando nuestra visión.970370_321061821358698_2073140067_n

Las personas que deseen unirse podrán hacerlo como activistas llevando la voz de sunseed a sus localidades y redes de amig@s o como donantes haciendo aportaciones económicas mensuales que permitan a Sunseed continuar demonstrando y comunicando formas de vida de bajo impacto ambiental, así como aumentar el número de voluntari@s. Ambas figuras tienen un papel fundamental en Sunseed. Claramente una figura no excluye la otra: una persona puede ser tanto Activista como Donanteal mismo tiempo o puede pasar de Activista a Donante(o vice versa) cuando quiera. 

Hoy, 25 de Julio se ha realizado una presentación de Friends of Sunseed en Sunseed para los voluntarios, coordinadores y asistentes que residen aquí. Tras la presentación de la red y las diferentes formas de participar en ella, se ha invitado a los voluntari@s a pensar en el tipo de iniciativas que pueden desarrollar para comunicar la labor de Sunseed en sus localidades. 

Estamos seguros de que este proyecto nos ayudará a continuar desorrollando, demonstrando, investigando y comunicando formas de vida de bajo impacto ambiental gracias a la amplia comunidad de voluntarios/visitantes/activistas/donantes que nos visitan cada año.

Si quieres saber más sobre Amigos de Sunseed (Friends of Sunseed), no dudes en visitar nuestra nueva página web y contactarnos para cualquier duda o sugerencia.

Si estas interesado en apoyarnos o ayudarnos de cualquier manera sin pertenecer a la red de Amigos de Sunseed, no dudes en contactarnos. Esperamos verte pronto entre nuestros Amigos y, ojalá, entre nuestros voluntarios aquí en Los Molinos.

Más información en la web de Friends of Sunseed:!spanish-home/ceci


by Alexis Tosellini ( Intern at Appropiate Technology Department) The entire team of AT went yesterday morning to the Solar Platform of Almeria. It is the biggest research center on solar energy in the world. This european center was placed in Almería in the 70s because of its 3000 hors of sun per year. It was interesting to see the different ways to use concentrated solar power i.e. how to generate electricity, desalinate water and produce hydrogen. They complete many tests on ceramic materials and different kinds of fluids to show the behaviour in high temperature. BPSyy_YCIAIlMFS.jpg:large In the background of this picture, you can see the ” Sterling Dishes”- Pacos favourite part of the tour. It is really simple to use the most abundant and powerful energy on the earth: the SUN.

ESPARTO 1MBSeed collection of “esparto” (Stipa tenacissima), collected from the surroundings of “Los Molinos del Rio Aguas” and “Aguamarga”, has allowed a day of planting in the Arboretum. With these plantings we will get an idea of ​​the viability of esparto nursery germination. The plants will be used for the regeneration of semiarid areas to improve soil conservation and encourage plant natural succession. SEDDING ESPARTO ARBORETUMESPARTO 1MBLa recolección de semilla de esparto (Stipa tenacissima), en las cercanías de Los Molinos del Río de Aguas así como de acantilados de Agua amarga, ha permitido una jornada de siembra en el Arboretum. Con esta siembra se pretende obtener una idea de la viabilidad germinativa del esparto en vivero. Las matas que germinen serán posteriormente usadas para su propagación vegetativa y utilización con fines regenerativos de zonas semiáridas que mejoren la conservación del suelo y sucesión natural vegetal. SEDDING ESPARTO ARBORETUM

CONSUELDA 2MBA very important part of the department is the management and maintenance of the waste water system. The system basically includes a grease trap, a system of horizontal and vertical filters filled with gravel and a pond. These filters and the pond support the planting of reed, comfrey, nettles and mint. They will contribute to the treatment and reuse of the waste water. One of the tasks of the department is the care of these plants, in order to guarantee their purifying function and therefore being able to use the waste water as a resource. In the pond, as the last phase after the filters, we proceeded to transplant new plants of comfrey (Symphytum officinale L.). This plant is commonly known as knitbone, a medicinal plant with healing properties and is grown as a green manure. CONSUELDA DESPUES 2MBCONSUELDA 2MBUna parte muy importante del departamento, es la gestión y mantenimiento del sistema de aguas residuales. El sistema básicamente incluye una trampa de grasa, un sistema de filtros horizontales y verticales rellenados con grava y un charca. Estos filtros y la charca permite dar soporte para la plantación de carrizo, consuelda, ortigas y hierba buena. De esta manera se contribuye a la depuración y reutilización de las aguas grises que se derivan de nuestras casas. Una de las tareas del departamento, es el mantenimiento de las plantas presentes en el sistema, con el fín de garantizar la función de depuración y aprovechamiento de los recursos. En la charca, última fase donde finalizan las aguas que salen de los filtros, se ha procedido a trasplantar nuevas plantas de consuelda (Symphytum officinale L.). Esta planta es comúnmente conocida como planta medicinal con propiedades cicatrizantes y utilizado a su vez para la creación de abonos. CONSUELDA DESPUES 2MB

by Magued Mohamed.

On Thursday 4th of July 2013, a seminar entitled Limits to Growth was held in Sunseed. The moderator presented the contents and the predictions of a scientific book entitled “limits to Growth” which was published in 1972 by the Club of Rome, whose aim is to discuss short-term thinking in international affairs regarding unlimited resource consumption in an increasingly interdependent world. Then he compared its predictions to a scientific paper entitled “A comparison of the Limits to Growth with thirty years of reality” by Graham Turner which was published in 2008. Finally he discussed his prediction of CO2 emissions’ curve based on the book‘s Standard Run scenario of the pollution curve. In 1798, an English Anglican priest published an anonymous essay on the principle of population which sparked a massive interests and controversies. In contrary to the optimism of the Zeitgeist, the outcome of the book was pessimistic. He concluded that people will die due to famine and diseases and emphasized “Doomsday Scenario”. What made this essay influential is not the religious tone in it but the mathematical and scientific arguments on which it was based. The main argument was that people grow exponentially whilst resources grow linearly. This essay inspired Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Charles Dickens and others. However, the data in the twentieth century did not tally with these predictions as world population grew, agricultural yield increased due to green revolutions and disease were taken care of by the advancement of medicine. In an attempt to reexamine these predictions, Club of Rome commissioned a group of scientists from MIT led by Dr. Donella Meadows to investigate the matter. The commission used a simulation computer model called Wordl3. Five variables were examined in the original model, on the assumptions that world population, industrialization, pollution, food production and resource depletion have an exponential tendency to grow. On the other hand, the ability of technology to increase the availability of resources grows only linearly. The main purpose of The Limits to Growth was not to make specific predictions with numbers and values, but rather to explore how exponential growth interacts with finite resources and to show their tendencies. Data from 1900 to 1970 were fed into World3. Three scenarios were generated: Standard Run; Comprehensive Technology and Stabilized Run.

Fig 1 Fig 1: Standard Run. Standard Run (the actual business-as-usual situation) has parameters reflecting physical, economic and social relationships where these parameters were maintained in the World3 model at values consistent with the period 1900-1970.

Fig 2 Fig 2: Comprehensive Technology. Comprehensive Technology (the optimistic scenario) which attempts to solve sustainability issues with a broad range of purely technological solutions; assuming resources are effectively unlimited; 75% of materials are recycled; pollution generation is reduced to 25% of its 1970 value; agricultural land yields are doubled and birth control is available world-wide.

fig 3

Fig 3: Stabilized Run with stabilized population and capital. Stabilized Run (the rational scenario) has stable population and capital, with the forces tending to increase or decrease them in a carefully controlled balance. In order to do so, the capital and the population are constant in size with constant rate and that all rates are kept to a minimum. This target can be achieved by either enforcing negative feedback such as the pollution; the depletion of resources or the famine or by weakening positive feedback such as reducing birth rate or reducing capital growth. The authors concluded that if the current growth trends continue unchanged the limits to growth will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years (2072); the most probable result will be a sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity and recommended altering these trends to establish a sustainable conditions of ecological and economic stability through a state of global equilibrium; the sooner the better. The concept of “sustainable development” instead of economical growth is a direct result of this essay. A comparison of the limits to growth with 30 years of reality by Graham Turner was published in June 2008. The author stated that the recommendations of Limits to Growth to reach a stabilized world were not taken. The analysis showed that observed data after 30 years compare favorably with Standard Run scenario and indicates the particular importance of understanding and controlling global pollution. Prediction of CO2 emissions from the year 2000 to 2100 based on the book‘s Standard Run scenario of the pollution was presented.

Fig 4

Fig 4: estimated CO2 emissions Gtons/Year.

It is predicted that CO2 will increase until the year 2035 reaching (20.16Gtons) then decrease with different rates until it reaches (0.8064Gtons) by 2100.

Fig 5

Fig 5: estimated CO2 emissions with 15% error.

When a 15% margin of error is introduced to the model, CO2 will increase until the year 2035 reaching (17.136 Gtons) then decrease with different rates until it reaches (0.68544Gtons) by 2100. The following table reflects the measured data by US Energy Information Administration and predicted values.

Year estimated data without error margin estimated data with 15% error margin measured data
2000 5.76 4.896 6.586
2001 6.12864 5.209344 6.612
2002 6.49728 5.522688 6.797
2003 6.86592 5.836032 7.087
2004 7.23456 6.149376 7.400
2005 7.6032 6.46272 7.707
2006 7.98336 6.785856 7.917
2007 8.36352 7.108992 8.109
2008 8.74368 7.432128 8.251
2009 9.12384 7.755264 8.246
2010 9.504 8.0784 8.591
2011 9.792 8.3232 8.885
2012 10.08 8.568 9.709
References: by Magued Mohamed . On Thursday 4th of July 2013, a seminar entitled Limits to Growth was held in Sunseed. The moderator presented the contents and the predictions of a scientific book entitled “limits to Growth” which was published in 1972 by the Club of Rome, whose aim is to discuss short-term thinking in international affairs regarding unlimited resource consumption in an increasingly interdependent world. Then he compared its predictions to a scientific paper entitled “A comparison of the Limits to Growth with thirty years of reality” by Graham Turner which was published in 2008. Finally he discussed his prediction of CO2 emissions’ curve based on the book‘s Standard Run scenario of the pollution curve. In 1798, an English Anglican priest published an anonymous essay on the principle of population which sparked a massive interests and controversies. In contrary to the optimism of the Zeitgeist, the outcome of the book was pessimistic. He concluded that people will die due to famine and diseases and emphasized “Doomsday Scenario”. What made this essay influential is not the religious tone in it but the mathematical and scientific arguments on which it was based. The main argument was that people grow exponentially whilst resources grow linearly. This essay inspired Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Charles Dickens and others. However, the data in the twentieth century did not tally with these predictions as world population grew, agricultural yield increased due to green revolutions and disease were taken care of by the advancement of medicine. In an attempt to reexamine these predictions, Club of Rome commissioned a group of scientists from MIT led by Dr. Donella Meadows to investigate the matter. The commission used a simulation computer model called Wordl3. Five variables were examined in the original model, on the assumptions that world population, industrialization, pollution, food production and resource depletion have an exponential tendency to grow. On the other hand, the ability of technology to increase the availability of resources grows only linearly. The main purpose of The Limits to Growth was not to make specific predictions with numbers and values, but rather to explore how exponential growth interacts with finite resources and to show their tendencies. Data from 1900 to 1970 were fed into World3. Three scenarios were generated: Standard Run; Comprehensive Technology and Stabilized Run. Fig 1 Fig 1: Standard Run. Standard Run (the actual business-as-usual situation) has parameters reflecting physical, economic and social relationships where these parameters were maintained in the World3 model at values consistent with the period 1900-1970. Fig 2 Fig 2: Comprehensive Technology. Comprehensive Technology (the optimistic scenario) which attempts to solve sustainability issues with a broad range of purely technological solutions; assuming resources are effectively unlimited; 75% of materials are recycled; pollution generation is reduced to 25% of its 1970 value; agricultural land yields are doubled and birth control is available world-wide. fig 3 Fig 3: Stabilized Run with stabilized population and capital. Stabilized Run (the rational scenario) has stable population and capital, with the forces tending to increase or decrease them in a carefully controlled balance. In order to do so, the capital and the population are constant in size with constant rate and that all rates are kept to a minimum. This target can be achieved by either enforcing negative feedback such as the pollution; the depletion of resources or the famine or by weakening positive feedback such as reducing birth rate or reducing capital growth. The authors concluded that if the current growth trends continue unchanged the limits to growth will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years (2072); the most probable result will be a sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity and recommended altering these trends to establish a sustainable conditions of ecological and economic stability through a state of global equilibrium; the sooner the better. The concept of “sustainable development” instead of economical growth is a direct result of this essay. A comparison of the limits to growth with 30 years of reality by Graham Turner was published in June 2008. The author stated that the recommendations of Limits to Growth to reach a stabilized world were not taken. The analysis showed that observed data after 30 years compare favorably with Standard Run scenario and indicates the particular importance of understanding and controlling global pollution. Prediction of CO2 emissions from the year 2000 to 2100 based on the book‘s Standard Run scenario of the pollution was presented. Fig 4 Fig 4: estimated CO2 emissions Gtons/Year. It is predicted that CO2 will increase until the year 2035 reaching (20.16Gtons) then decrease with different rates until it reaches (0.8064Gtons) by 2100. Fig 5 Fig 5: estimated CO2 emissions with 15% error.

by Pako Ibáñez, Appropriate Technology Department coordinator at Sunseed. This June has been very active in Sunseed. With the summer holidays, each day we have more volunteers and the energy of the place rises. In the Appropriate Technology Department we have done many activities with high participation. For me, the main project has been to build two tables with metal estructure and a tiled surface. All the materials have been recycled from previous uses. Along two weeks, 10 people, plus Chito the supervisor engineer cat, have done the different steps to create two new tables for Sunseed, one dor the eating area in the main house (in substitution for the oldest), and the other for the outdoor area of the AT workshop, to make more comfortables our morning breaks. During the construction, we have learn how to recover iron L profiles, cutting them and cleaning up the surface rust. With them, we built the tables structures to hold the tiles. IMG_4142.JPG IMG_4296.JPG On the biomass gasification cookstoves project, the new french team Alexis and Cyril, has done several experiments. First, we have  modify the KAÑA 2.0!!! design with forced air to improve the gasification. As result, we got a flame 300 celsius degrees hotter than the previous without forced air. The time of combustion has been reduced too. IMG_3987.JPG We tried to gasify the biomass inside a closed container and pipe the gas trough a tube to a burner. IMG_4274.JPG Also we prepared a simple and effective rocket stove prototype to verify how it will work been fed with the whole caña, without shredding. IMG_4222.JPG Motivated for Ana’s birthday, we decide make a test for a hot air oven with the big gasifier and refractory bricks. The result: 3 amazing chocolate cakes “gasified” with caña from the valley. Cooking sustainability 🙂 With our friend Alvaro, we were setting up frames with mosquito net to block the dormitory windows. A good display recovering materials and usinf simple technology to solve the daily problems. IMG_3963.JPG Finally, ,the LED lamp designed and built by Clemens, shines in one of the volunteers dormitories, giving a charm and low consumption light. Nothing gives you more satisfaction that something you design and build, has a daily function. We had a public guided tour showing the Sunseed’s installations that are in charge of the Appropriate Technology Department. Photovoltaic power, wind power, hot water, water pumping, biomass gasification, thermal mass stoves, solar cooking, solar dryers, etc, are the elements we use to demonstrate a lower environmental impact is possible in our daily actions. We had, also, a school visit. 50 secondary school teenagers interested in experience these activities. por Pako Ibáñez, coordinador del Departamento de Tecnología Apropiada de Sunseed. Este mes de Junio ha sido muy activo en Sunseed. Con las vacaciones de verano, cada día tenemos más voluntarios, y la energía del lugar aumenta. En el departamento de Tecnología Apropiada hemos realizado muchas actividades con una alta participación de voluntarios. Para mi, el proyecto estrella ha sido la construcción de dos mesas realizadas con estructura de metal y azulejos para la superficie. Todo el material ha sido reciclado de anteriores usos. A lo largo de dos semanas, 10 personas en total, más el gato Chito ingeniero supervisor, hemos ido llevando a cabo los diferentes pasos para crear dos mesas nuevas para Sunseed, una para el área de comer, substituyendo a la que está en peor condiciones, y otra para el exterior de la zona del taller de Tecnología Apropiada, para hacer nuestros morning breaks más dignos y confortables. En el proceso de construcción, hemos aprendido a recuperar perfiles en L de hierro usados, cortándolos y eliminando el óxido de la superficie. Con ellos hemos construído la estructura de las mesas donde colocar posteriormente los azulejos. IMG_4142.JPG IMG_4296.JPG Dentro del proyecto de hornillos de gasificación de biomasa para cocinar, el nuevo equipo formado por Cyril y Alexis ha realizado diversos experimentos. Primeramente hemos aplicado una modificación al diseño KAÑA 2.0!!! con aire forzado para favorecer la gasificación. El resultado ha sido la obtención de una llama 300 grados celsius más caliente que la anterior sin aire forzado. El tiempo de combustión también se ha reducido. IMG_3987.JPG Hemos probado la gasificación de la biomasa en un contenedor cerrado y canalizar el bio-gas a través de una tubería hasta un quemador. IMG_4274.JPG También preparamos un prototipo simple y efectivo de hornillo para cocinar tipo rocket stove para verificar cómo funcionaría siendo alimentado por la caña entera, sin trocear. IMG_4222.JPG Motivados por el cumpleaños de Ana, decidimos hacer una prueba de horno de aire caliente con el gasificador grande y ladrillos refractarios. El resultado: 3 fantásticos pasteles de chocolate “gasificados” con caña del valle. Sostenibilidad culinaria 🙂 Con nuestro amigo Álvaro, estuvimos preparando marcos con tela mosquitera para las ventanas de las habitaciones. Todo un alarde de recuperación de materiales y tecnología simple para solucionar los problemas más cotidianos. IMG_3963.JPG Finalmente, la lámpara LED diseñada y construida por Clemens, luce en uno de los dormitorios de los voluntarios, dando una luz íntima y de bajo consumo. Nada genera más satisfacción que algo que has diseñado y construído con tus manos, tenga una utilidad en el día a día. Tuvimos una visita guiada pública mostrando las diversas instalaciones que el departamento de Tecnología Apropiada mantiene en Sunseed. Electricidad fotovoltaica, eólica, agua caliente, bombeo de agua, gasificación de biomasa, estufas de masa térmica, cocina solar, secadores solares, etc, son los elementos con los que pretendemos demostrar que actividades cotidianas son posibles con un menor impacto medioambiental. Tuvimos visita escolar, con una visita de 50 alumnos de ESO interesados en experimentar estas actividades.

Did you know that there are scholarships to attend 1-week training in Spain ( at Sunseed Spain) covering ALL costs( and accomodation)?

_ –>We are very happy to announce that we have being accredited to run the course  LEARNING FROM THE NATURAL WORLD – Is there a place for nature rights and the ecoCitizenship in Europe? in March 2014 funded by the European Union Grundtvig Program. This would not have being possible without the work of Martin Hyams and Roberto Bortoletto. Martin has being the assistant of the CE department for 3 months and already participated in the application and organization of last year Grundtvig seminar ” Seeding Change”.  Roberto, a student from the University Ca Foscari was doing an internship funded by the Erasmus program. They both work together in the research, design and application of the course. Maybe, they will be back in March to support the implementation of the course.

Learning from the natural world

an In-Service Training Course

Sorbas, 24 – 29 March 2014

Sunseed Desert Technology in Southern Spain will be running the course Learning from the natural world – is there a place for nature rights and the ecoCitizenship in Europe? This is a European granted In-Service Training (IST) course funded through the Grundtvig Lifelong Adult Learning Programme. It is designed for people working – full-time or part-time, paid or unpaid – in adult education, training or community activism.

Running from 24th – 29th March 2014, the course will be located in Sunseed at Los Molinos del Rio de Aguas in the Natural Park of Karst en Yesos de Sorbas. Los Molinos del Rio Aguas is characterised for being off-grid and low-impact as well as for its several organic gardens.

The course has been developed as a response to the local and global situation of economic and environmental crises. The course is innovative and unique, and poses questions such as:

  • how can we bring the natural world into the learning environment?

  • how can we create spaces that nurture learning for liberation?

  • how can we facilitate experiential and participatory learning styles?

Morning sessions are practical activities that introduce the work of different departments – organic gardening, appropriate technology and sustainable living. Course participants will join the community (household rota, job allocation, community announcements) to reflect practical aspects of ecoCitizenship and nature rights.

Afternoon workshops focus on:

  1. Using the natural world to inspire practical learning and active participation

  2. Is there a future for the ecoCitizenship and for “nature rights” within Europe?

  3. Paulo Freire – learning methodologies to enhance the learning experience

  4. I have a dream” – celebrating the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s watershed speech



Application deadline: 1 September 2013

Interested to find out more?

More information at our Website courses

Contact Clara Ruiz de Gauna at or phone (0034) 950 525 770

Estamos muy content@s de anunciar que hemos sido acreditaos para hacer el curso “Aprender desde el mundo natural- ¿Hay espacio para los derechos de la naturaleza y la ecoCiudadanía en Europa?” para marzo del 2014 a traves del Programa Grundtvig de Aprendizaje Permanente para Adultos (Grundtvig Lifelong Adult Learning Programme). Esto no hubiera sido posible sin el increible trabajo de Martin Hyams y Roberto Bortolleto. Martin, quien ya trabajo el  pasado ano en la solicitud, diseno e implementacion del seminario GRundvig ” Semillas de Cambio”, ha sido asistente en el departamento de Comunicacion y Educacion de Sunseed durante 3 meses. Roberto es un estudiante italiano de la universidad Ca Foscari que ha realizado unas prácticas en el departamento financiado por el Programa Europeo Eramus. Ambos han trabajado en investigar posibilidades de financiacion para el curso asi como en su diseno y presentacion para ser candidato a ser un curso Grundtvig. Todos en Sunseed hemos recibido esta noticia muy felices. DSC00198

Aprender desde el mundo natural

un curso de formación Grundtvig

Sorbas, 24-29 de Marzo de 2014

Sunseed Desert Technology en Almería realizará el curso Aprender desde el mundo natural- ¿Hay espacio para los derechos de la naturaleza y la ecoCiudadanía en Europa? Es un curso de formación(IST- In-Service Training) garantizado por la Unión Europea, será financiado a través del Programa Grundtvig de Aprendizaje Permanente para Adultos (Grundtvig Lifelong Adult Learning Programme). Está diseñado para aquellos que trabajan- de tiempo completo o media jornada, remunerados o no remunerados- en el ámbito de la educación de adultos, entrenamiento o activismo de comunidad.

El curso se realizará desde el 24 hasta el 29 de Marzo en Sunseed, en Los Molinos del Río de Aguas en el Parque Natural de Karst en Yesos de Sorbas. Los Molinos del Río de Aguas se caracteriza por la vida bajo impacto ambiental e independiente de la red eléctrica y de agua, así como por sus numerosos huertos ecológicos.

El curso fue desarrollado como respuesta a la situación local y global de crisis economica y ambiental. El curso es único e innovador y plantea cuestiones como:

  • ¿Cómo podemos llevar el mundo natural al ambiente educativo?

  • ¿Cómo podemos crear espacios que promuevan la educación para la liberación?

  • ¿Cómo podemos facilitar estilos de aprendizaje a través de la experiencia y participación?

Las sesiones por la mañana y actividades prácticas que introducen el trabajo de departamentos diferentes- huertos ecológicos, tecnologías apropiadas y vida sostenible. Los participantes al curso se unirán a la comunidad (en rotación doméstica, en la asignación del trabajo asi como en los anuncios diarios de la comunidad) para reflejar aspectos prácticos de la ecoCiudadanía y los derechos de la naturaleza.

Los talleres por la tarde se concentran en:

  1. Utilizar el mundo natural para inspirar el aprendizaje práctico y la participación activa

  2. ¿Hay un futuro para la ecoCiudadanía y los “derechos de la naturaleza” en Europa?

  3. Paulo Freire- metodologías de aprendizaje para mejorar la experiencia educativa

  4. “I have a dream”– celebración del 50° aniversario del discurso parteaguas de Martin Luther King



Fecha límite de inscripción: 1 de septiembre de 2013

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by Rosalind Bacon Last week’s seminar was on the typically silent topic of menstruation. The presentation included issues such as: personal, social and cultural views and taboos; the rise in feminine ‘hygiene’ products and advertising campaigns; menstrual activism and the ‘Red Tent’ movement; the power of charting your cycle and importance of listening to your body. IMG_6091 I wanted to challenge the taboos, silence and shame that often surround menstruation, talking openly about the reality of periods and encouraging the participants (women and men) to share their experiences. We spoke of cultures’ creation of myths of danger and power surrounding the body that can be destructive. And of propaganda from religions, politics, science and corporations around menstruation and the female body that dominate our culture, increasing a woman’s ignorance and discomfort of her body. I found that many people were not aware of basic facts – the importance of periods for general wellbeing; how your mood, desires and thoughts can be influenced by the phase of your cycle; the times of ovulation and fertility; and the potential dangers of taking the contraceptive pill. We debated the rise in menstrual activists who are taking direct action by boycotting corporations, creating art to encourage discussion and using alternative products. To end, I showed examples of alternative, environmentally friendly products such as the menstrual cup and reusable pads. The seminar was a catalyst for ongoing open discussions around menstruation. Last night we watched a great film called ‘The Moon Inside You’, a story of one woman’s journey to accepting her periods, challenging negative attitudes and sharing her knowledge. It was humorous, touching and informative. Next week I will be leading a workshop on charting your own period cycle and making reusable pads. Quotes from seminar(!): “I wish I had periods” James “The seminar changed my life!” Emma “I am running to buy a menstrual cup!” Irenapor Rosalind Bacon

El seminario de la semana pasada fue sobre la menstruación, un asunto del que normalmente no se habla mucho. Hablamos de temas como: puntos de vista y tabús personales, sociales y culturales; el aumento de productos de “higiene” femenina y de campañas publicitarias; el activismo menstrual y el movimiento “Tienda Roja”; el empoderamiento que genera conocer el ciclo menstrual y la importancia de escuchar a nuestro cuerpo.

IMG_6091Quería desafiar los tabús, el silencio y la vergüenza que a menudo rodean el tema de la menstruación. Por ello, hablamos abiertamente de la realidad de la menstruación, animando a los participantes (mujeres y hombres) a compartir sus experiencias. Hablamos de como las culturas crean mitos que generan miedo hacia nuestros propios cuerpos; mitos que pueden ser destructivos. También debatimos sobre la propaganda generada por religiones, políticas, ciencia y empresas sobre la menstruación y el cuerpo femenino. Esta ideología que nos transmiten domina nuestra cultura, aumentando la ignorancia de las mujeres y la incomodidad con sus cuerpos.

Me enteré de que mucha gente no era consciente de unos hechos básicos, como la importancia de la menstruación para el bienestar general, que influye en el humor, los deseos y los pensamientos de las mujeres; los tiempos de ovulación y fertilidad y los potenciales peligros de tomar la píldora anticonceptiva.

Discutimos el aumento de activistas menstruales que están tomando acción directa boicoteando a las grandes empresas, creando artes para promover el debate y usando productos alternativos. Para terminar, mostré ejemplos de productos alternativos y ecológicos como la copa menstrual y compresas reutilizables.

El seminario fue un catalizador de debate sobre la regla. Anoche vimos una peli titulada “The Moon Inside You” (“La luna dentro de ti”), la historia del viaje de una mujer hasta la aceptación de su regla, desafiando las actitudes negativas y compartiendo sus conocimientos. Fue divertido, emocionante e informativo.

La semana que viene realizaré un taller sobre como trazar el ciclo de la regla y hacer compresas reutilizables.

Citas del seminario (!):

“Quería tener la regla”  James

“¡Este seminario ha cambiado mi vida!”  Emma

“¡Corro a comprar una copa menstrual!”  Irena