Communication and Education, Sunseed News
Autumn Courses
Dear all,
We have published the new courses for Autumn! The price of most of them is: “Pay what you can” plus extra for food and accommodation if needed!
More information in this link.
21 – 22 September
Introductory course about drylands management. Regeneration and use of natural sources
Two-day workshop with Eugenio Peñalvo Lopez about sustainable drylands management in the long term within the context of the Paraje Natural de Karst en Yesos in Sorbas. We will study the use of low-impact techniques for the regeneration of the vegetal cover and the use of the sources. We will analyse the maintenance of the wastewater and greywater system.
The course starts on Saturday, but it is possible to arrive on Friday. It finishes on Sunday at 17:00 h. Maximum number of participants is 10. Reserved needed.
28 – 29 September
Introductory course of biomass gasification Stoves for cooking. To get familiar with theoretical and practical aspects. Justify the use of biomass as fuel for cooking.- Understanding the principles of the gasification.
- Recognition of the biomass close to us as fuel for stoves gasifiers.
- Collect and prepare biomass for fuel.
- Understand the main designs of biomass gasification stoves.
- Individualized construction of a stove and its implementation.
Two-day course with Pako Ibañez about theory and practice of biomass gasification stoves: a basic introduction for anybody who is interested in learning about these systems and their components and would like to understand how they work.
It includes: comprehension of the principles of gasification, recognition of biomass close to us that can be used as a fuel, recollection and preparation of biomass as a fuel, comprehension of the main designs of biomass gasification stoves.
In addition, we will study and analyse the importance of biomass as an ecological fuel for cooking.
Each participant will make his/her own stove to bring at home.
The course starts on Saturday, but it is possible to arrive on Friday. We will have a little introduction to Sunseed Desert Technology Project and on the course. It finishes on Sunday at 17:00 h. Maximum number of participants is 10. Reserved needed.
5 October
SEED SAVING: Heirloom & other open-pollinated varieties
Introductory course about seed selection, extraction and storage. To get familiar with theoretical and practical aspects.
With the widespread use of hybrid and modern varieties and the dominance of a few multinational seed companies, we experience an incredibly rapid loss in diversity in our gardens and on our plates. Learn how to select and save your own seeds from different varieties of veggies and aromatics: adapt your varieties to your personal choices and your garden’s needs, maintain and enhance productivity, save money on seeds, interchange with fellow gardeners, become independent from the availability of one or another variety and the international seed business, contribute to the preservation of our cultural and enjoy a closer connection with and deeper understanding of your plants and garden.
The course starts on Saturday morning and finishes at 18:00. Maximum number of participants is 10. Reservation needed.
12 and 13 October
Weekend in environmental and low impact project to learn about alternative ways of living. We will do different workshops on basic principles to live with low impact. The course includes guided tour of Sunseed project, activities cooking with the sun, workshops on biomass gasification stoves, on bread making and introduction to organic gardening theory and practices.
Two-day course for people interested in low impact living and environmental awareness. We will get familiar with some of low impact ways of living.
The course starts on Saturday, but it is possible to arrive on Friday. We will have a little introduction on low impact living and finish on Sunday at 17:00 h. Maximum number of participants is 10. Reserved needed.19 – 20 October
This course will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of organic gardening.
Two-day course on organic gardening. Topics covered include: planning your garden around the elements (sun, water, soil, wind), making and using compost and animal manures, irrigation systems, choosing and using tools, assessing soil health (pH, nutrients, organic matter content), basic soil ecology, mulching, home-made liquid fertilisers, plant propagation, crop rotations, saving and storing seeds.
The course starts on Saturday, but it is possible to arrive on Friday. We will have a little introduction to Sunseed Desert Technology Project and on the course. It finishes on Sunday at 17:00 h. Maximum number of participants is 10. Reserved needed. 2 – 16 November- 90 hours (14 days) PERMACULTURE DESIGN COURSE (PDC) International Certification Organized by Cultura de la Tierra Design for life with Permaculture Permaculture offers us new ways of thinking, doing and being that can be used individually or together to create sustainable human cultures in harmony with nature. 90-hour course with International Certification The syllabus includes: ethic and principles, design practice, water and soil management, bio-construction, energy, new economies, ecological and human application: at home, in the garden, neighbourhood, community, bioregion… practice, deep ecology, design with Dragon Dreaming… Facilitators: Antonio Scotti, Kirsty Heron Invited facilitators: Jesús Ledesma, Patricia Cañas Rios y Jef Carrick Antonio Scotti: Designer and professor of permaculture since 2001, Diploma in Applicated Permaculture at the Italian Academy of Permaculture Kirsty Heron: Permaculture Designer since 2005, professor since 2008 in the UK, France, Germany and Spain Costs: 575 € Includes course and materials. Also (ecological) meals and accommodation in ecological and sustainable projects- Sunseed and El Mirador Where: Los Molinos del Río Aguas – a sustainable and self-sufficient eco-village in the Paraje Natural de Karst en Yesos in Sorbas- Almería Application deadline: 8 October 2013 Information and application: tel. 639842719
Ya hemos publicado la informacion sobre los próximos cursos que realizaremos en Sunseed este Otono. Debido a la situación económica, hemos decidido no establecer precios fijos para los cursos( a excepción del curso de Permacultura) si no dejar que los participantes aporten las cantidades que quieran y puedan. Algunos cursos tienen precios por materiales. Para las personas interesadas en recibir alojamiento y comida si que habra una tarifa de entre 15 y 20 euros al día. Muchas gracias Clara
Cursos de Otono en Sunseed: Agricultura ecológica, tecnologías apropiadas, bajo impacto ambiental, sostenibilidad y muchas más.
Introducción a la gestión sostenible de tierras semi-áridas. Regeneración y aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales.
21 y 22 de Septiembre Precio Curso: Paga lo que puedas Precio alojamiento y desayuno: 15 euros al dia ( 5€ cada comida extra)
Sunseed Tecnología del Desierto 950525770
Teoría y práctica sobre la biomasa como combustible ecológico para cocinar. Podrás construir tu propio hornillo!
28 y 29 de Septiembre Precio Curso: Paga lo que puedas Precio material: 20 € Precio alojamiento y desayuno: 15 euros al dia ( 5€ cada comida extra)
Sunseed Tecnología del Desierto 950525770 cómo seleccionar, extraer y guardar tus propias semillas de diferentes variedades de verduras y aromáticas.
5 de Octubre Precio Curso: Paga lo que puedas Precio alojamiento y desayuno: 15 euros al dia ( 5€ cada comida extra)
Sunseed Tecnología del Desierto 950525770
Principales retos para la autosuficiencia a través de talleres sobre las diferentes técnicas y formas de vida de bajo impacto ambiental: cocinar con el sol, hornillos de gasificación de Biomasa, preparación de pan y mucho más!
12 y 13 de Octubre Precio Curso: Paga lo que puedas Precio alojamiento y desayuno: 15 euros al dia ( 5€ cada comida extra)
Sunseed Tecnología del Desierto 950525770ÓN A LOS CULTIVOS ECOLÓGICOS
Principios básicos (teoría y práctica) de agricultura ecológica: planificacion, compostaje, sistemas de riego,rotación de cultivos.
19 y 20 de Octubre Precio Curso: Paga lo que puedas Precio alojamiento y desayuno: 15 euros al dia ( 5€ cada comida extra)
Sunseed Tecnología del Desierto 950525770 DE DISEÑO DE PERMACULTURA(CDP)
Certificación Internacional con Antonio Scotti y Kirsty Heron organizado por Cultura de la Tierra.
2 al 16 de Noviembre- 90 horas (14 días)
Sunseed Tecnología del Desierto 950525770 Escolares por reserva.
Visitas guiadas gratuitas al proyecto todos los martes: tecnologías apropiadas, huertos ecológicos, cultura del agua, gestión de secano, tratamiento de aguas residuales y visita general al proyecto.