Sunseed News
Course on constructing solar hot water panels
Curso paneles solares Sunseed
From the 6th to 9th of December 2012 we hosted a course on solar hot water panels. The main objective to the course was to build a solar hot-water panel of two square meters starting with some recycled materials and minimize what is newly acquired. The course, with four participants, was planned and lead by the department of Sunseed’s Appropriate Technologies.
A theoretical introduction included exploration of what impact the use of the sun to heat water might have on reducing fossil fuel consumption and, therefore, on climate change. Then we visited various water heating installations in the town of Moulins, where all houses have their own power generation systems and hot water systems based on various techniques. The practical workshop began with the removal of one of the two solar panels from the main house of Sunseed, which was to be renewed and reinstalled during the course. The materials to reuse were:- Copper sheets from old panels.
- Copper pipes and elbows of various diameters welded together.
- Tempered glass panel from the former main house.
- Galvanized iron sheet deteriorated (from the old panel).
- Glass wool.
- Copper pipe for collector.
- Aluminium profile for the frame.
- Glass wool
Pako Ibáñez, Appropriate Technology Coordinator, Sunseed.
Click here to see all the pictures.Curso paneles solares Sunseed
- Láminas de cobre procedentes de antiguos paneles.
- Tuberías y codos de cobre de diversos diámetros soldados entre sí.
- Cristal templado procedente del anterior panel de la casa principal.
- Chapa de hierro galvanizada deteriorada por el tiempo procedente de otro panel.
- Lana de vidrio recuperada (parte).
- Tubería de cobre para el colector.
- Perfil de aluminio para el marco.
- Lana de vidrio (parte).
Clica aquí para ver todas las fotografías.