Sunseed News
The gardens (26th of April)
Working in the new flooding beds in “Diego 1”:
the beds are thinner than the old ones, so that the water can flood and soak more easily.
We won’t put mulch on them because otherwise they are getting higher and higher by the time and won’t be flooded so well anymore. Instead of normal mulch we will take something like palm leafs. In the beds peppers and aubergines will be planted.
The drip irigation in the New Lands
Nuevas camas en el huerto “Diego 1”
the beds are thinner than the old ones, so that the water can flood and soak more easily.
We won’t put mulch on them because otherwise they are getting higher and higher by the time and won’t be flooded so well anymore. Instead of normal mulch we will take something like palm leafs. In the beds peppers and aubergines will be planted.
Las tierras nuevas (new lands) con el “drip irigation”