Courses and Events
Social Permaculture Course

What is Social Permaculture?
Permaculture originated as an ecological method for designing sustainable settlements and more recently it has intertwined with more social contexts. Social Permaculture aims to design social systems that favour beneficial patterns of human behaviour. It looks at ways to organise, communicate and cooperate more effectively to create fair relationships

In this one week course, we will dive deep into Social Permaculture and its tools, inspired by Rosemary Marrow’s work. It will provide the participants with not only information about activism, CSA’s, food sovereignty, alternative economies, community living and ecovillages but also practical tools and examples on how to start using them straight away. It creates the space for networking with people who are interested in setting up permaculture projects, self reflection, learning and unlearning pathways, as well as the time to co-design with the guidance of experienced facilitators. If you want to know more and learn to develop tools for creating regenerative livelihoods join us on this course in which we imagine and design a different society

The Site
Sunseed Desert Technology will be the stage for this course. It is based in an ancient Andalusian village, Los Molinos de Rio Aguas, with a long historical and geological background. The village is populated with around 50 inhabitants and has been a place of different creative projects like Sunseed, Pita Escuela, el Mirador, Casa de la Realidad and Cultura de la Tierra.
Sunseeds vision is to discover how to live a healthy and ecologically responsible life, working in harmony with nature and other beings alike. Through receiving volunteers, students, interns and hosting a variety of courses, Sunseed aims to realise, educate, demonstrate and communicate appropriate and low technology solutions that support a low impact lifestyle. It is an excellent example of a non-formal educational project, a living and breathing centre for change and experimentation.


Christos Karystinos is passionate environmental and political activist, particularly interested in non-hierarchical structures, seed sovereignty and communal living. In 2018 he got his Permaculture training by his first PDC,certified by Geoff Lewton and a Permaculture Teachers Training inspired by Rosemary Morrow’s work and taught by Alfred Decker and Guiseppe Sanicandro. He is currently the Appropriate Technology coordinator in Sunseed Desert Technology and enjoys experimenting applications of solar technology and educating people about sustainability.

Since a young age Liselotte Wuite has been exposed to many different cultures and landscapes. This opened up fascination and deep respect for the living and breathing world around her. She finished her studies in Anthropology and Ecology at the University College Utrecht in 2013, and set off to Costa Rica to conduct research for her thesis. This is where she fell in love with a simple way of living, in balance with nature, combining more recent expertise with ancestral knowledge. In 2016 she sat the PDC course in Sunseed where she subsequently ended up coordinating the Sustainable Living department for a year. Seeing the transformation in people, their habits, and their way of living, inspired her to keep sharing knowledge and the importance of raising consciousness, using Permaculture as a tool to move forward.
Living in various homesteads, farms, communities and educational projects throughout South America, Netherlands and Spain, all led to a desire to share this vision of a more sustainable way of life. Currently she lives and works in a community in the Alpujarras, Baile en el Aire, hosting courses, workshops and living off the land. More recently she started to work with Circle Permaculture, co-facilitating Permaculture Design courses and is enrolled in the International Permaculture Diploma with Gaia University, with the intention to expand global networks and create diverse, holistic, eco-social alternatives to living.
Apart from the wonders and expansive world of Permaculture, she is an animal lover, passionate baker, loves to forage, practices yoga and meditation and is moved by the art of dance!
The 1st-8th of March, 2020

€250: ‘I want to cover the expenses of the facilitators and hosts’
€270: ‘I want to support the course in order to happen again in the future’
(€150 food+accommodation + €100+ facilitators fee)
Limited number of participants
If you are interested in participating, fill out the form and apply
The language of the course is going to be in English. Spanish speaking participants are welcome, yet they are required to be able to communicate and understand English. Both facilitators speak Spanish.
For any clarification questions, please contact us: