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Staff Team

Meet the team

We are a group of voluntary staff members who choose to support Sunseed's mission of low-impact living and environmental integrity. We structure our daily lives according to a holistic philosophy. While we have different focus areas, each of us shares their experiences with the group so that we can balance time in the office with time in the garden, in the drylands, in the kitchen and in the houses which need renovation. 
Elisa, Spain
Sustainable Living Coordinator
Ashley, United States
Practical Project Manager
Juanma, Spain
Practical Project Manager, Organic Gardens Coordinator
Xavier, Spain
Administration Coordinator
Erika, Colombia
Communicator Coordinator
Simone, Italy
Educational Coordinator

Our trustees

Our board of trustees has legal responsibility for Sunseed. The trustees oversee the work of the projects and ensure that our aims and objectives are being adhered to, that all financial arrangements are carried out, and that a good standard of health and safety is maintained. In addition to the Trustees, we also have a group of advisors who provide support for their department of interest, or to the project in general.

Most of our trustees have a specific responsibility to one department, which entails the following:
  • Maintaining continuity of oversight.
  • Encouraging and implementing agreed plans and objectives.
  • Supporting the staff members by written contact and discussion.
  • Receiving, reading and acknowledging monthly reports.
  • Receiving, reading and acknowledging periodic summaries, and checking that these appear on the website.
  • Looking at the viability of new projects.
  • Checking on staff availability.
  • Assisting in the appointment of new staff where applicable.
  • Facilitating the paperwork for contracts, travel details etc for new staff.

Current Trustees:
  • Diego Chico de Guzman
  • George Christofis
  • Sheila Andion Garcia
  • Piotr Jankowski
  • Almudena Fernandez Torres