Sunseed News
Springs into the summer of 2011……!
As always this spring was a busy time for the gardens….reflected in the need for four assistants to our ever hard working coordinator Kirsty in the last 12 months!
Winter and spring saw us bringing more of our terraces into cultivation and success in propagating our own plants over the spring in our polytunnel. We have begun cultivating green manures such as alfalfa to continue to increase the fertility of our soils along with our tried and tested compost teas and food waste. We hope to develop and experiment further our composting techniques this summer.
New beds have been prepared in the Forest Garden and Far Terrace allowing us to demonstrate Permaculture techniques and to harvest the rewards.
We continue to trail Mycorrhizal planting and continue to work on our soil fertility strategy which, uniquely, excludes the use of animal manures – other than our own human waste!
Over the summer we aim to collect more of our own seed and improve our propagation results. Permaculture courses, based upon our own cultivation techniques are being organised for the autumn. Join us if you can.
Early June has seen temperatures exceeding 30 degrees so improvements to the irrigation line and weeding are the main duties of our team of volunteers. And of course there is the reward of a harvest most days – see below!.
After 5 years as Organic Gardens Trustee, Richard, has decided to step down to allow for a fresh input of ideas into what the future might hold for organic gardening in Los Molinos. If you feel that you would like to get involved with the Sunseed Project as a Trustee or Advisor please contact the Project to receive more details.
Have a happy and sunny summer from all the garden team at Sunseed!!!
Como siempre, este verano ha sido un periodo muy atareado para las huertas…. esto se ha reflejado en la necesidad de vari@s asistentes junto con nuestra coordinadora Kirsty supertrabajadora.
El invierno y la primavera extendimos la plantacion en nuestras huertas y obtuvimos un gran exito en el crecimiento de nuestros propios planteles por semilla en nuestro invernadero.
Hemos empezado a cultivar abonos verdes como la alfalfa para continuar con el invcremento de fertilidad en nuestos suelos junto con el compost de residuos de comida y los purines-abonos liquidos vegetales.
Durante este verano esperamos desarrollar y experimentar mas si cabe nuestras tecnicas de compostaje.
Hemos preparado nuevos bancales en el Forest y la Far Terrace permitiendonos demostrar tecnicas de Permacultura y cosechando las recompensas.