Volunteer Stories
Hello everyone, my name is Maurizio. I’m from Italy and one of the two EVS volunteers in Sunseed Desert Technology at the moment. For those who doesn’t know what EVS (European Volunteer Service) is, it is a mobility program funded by the European Commission to give the opportunity to everyone to perform a voluntary service abroad for a maximum of 12 months to young people between 18 and 30 years old.
I arrived in Sunseed two months ago but I feel like having been here for much much longer. The nature, the peace of the desert, the super starlit sky, the super positive, energetic, welcoming and friendly people, the long weekends on the beautiful beach, all those things helped me to let me feel peace and like being at home, very soon and easily.
Apart from that, we have our working activities which are organised in a very interesting and motivating way for all those who live at Sunseed. In fact we can choose among many different activities every morning in all the different Sunseed’s Departments according to our interests. Furthermore we even have the opportunity to develop and work on our personal project which in my case is to build the new geodetic dome for Sunseed!!!
Another amazing experience during these two months was the EVS arrival training in Aguilas, a coastal place close to Murcia, where me and Bilgesu (my EVS colleague from Turkey here in Sunseed) had the oppotunity to meet all the other lovely EVS volunteers from Murcia and Madrid region and spend all together 5 interesting and funny days, learning how we can make the most of this unique experience (rights, duties, insurance, how can we be the best for our hosting organization and for our learning, who can help us in case of need etc.) and moreover so many games from which some of them were to help us know better each other and to create a very united group despite the short time available, the different personal and cultural backgrounds.

With other EVS volunteers in our EVS arrival training.
In the end of our 5-day arrival training, me and Bilgesu, we had the honor and pleasure to be hosted for the weekend to our new friends in Murcia, to discover the nice city and its powerful nightlife. Eventually we said goodbye promising each oder to meet again all together for other crazy and intercultural adventures!!

I want to conclude this small article to say a big THANKS to those who gave me the opportunity to participate in this EVS program and to those who contribute or have contributed to make so nice and magical this little corner of the world!