Volunteer Stories
The best experience of my life
Why I came to Sunseed:
I arrived in Sunseed to do an internship. Last October I got my degree in business economics and I wanted to acquire practical skills and make experiences.
I was scrolling down in the list of possible partnership and suddenly the name “sunseed desert technology” fashinated me.
When I first had a look at the web site I said: that’s my place!
The vegetarian diet, the goals of the project and the ethic beyond it really suited with my vision of life.
I didn’t like to study economics, I found it outdated boarding and greed, and sunseed looked like an alternative place where people were trying to create something different, sustainable and beautiful. So I came to experience all of it.
I doesn’t like to create expectation so I tried to do it the less.
But I was sure sunseed was gonna be a challenge.
Just the simple fact that I couldn’t use my hairdryer or my hair straightener for 5 months was something that was gonna push me outside my comfort zone.
As I was already on the path for a more sustainable, conscious lifestyle, I expected that sunseed would speed this process and would open me new perspectives and gave inspiration.
Expectation VS reality. What I learnt:
After 5 months I can say that my expectations are more than satisfied.
I feel that this experience nourished me completely under different levels: practical, social, comunitarian and personal.
I was mostly involved in sustainable living department and here I learnt:
- First of all the art of bread making. I just love to make bread and explore this world with all its secret and tricks.
I consider it an art as it embodies my mind, my body and my soul. The sensation of using my hands to work the loaf, the exploration of different techniques and tastes, the satisfaction of creating something for the benefit of all the community was priceless.
- I learnt how to make natural cosmetics and I introduced this new consciousness in my life. As before I wasn’t very keen with the kind of products I was using. Here I realized that the skin is our most extensive organ and as we take of our stomach by selecting an organic food, the same work has to be done with cosmetics because it has a big impact on us and on the environment.
- I have deepened my knowledge in the production of ferments and I tried to motivate people to introduce them in their diet.
- I immersed myself in the wide world of medicinal plants. I studied their properties and use, I took care of them in the medicinal garden and I admired the miracolo us effect of water and love on plants.
Then I did something more releted with my course of study and so I worked in the office and here I learnt how to register purchase and sale invoices, how to calculate stipends and how to relate a report for the Trustees.
On the social level I learnt how to work in team, collaborate in harmony and to appreciate the value of sharing; knowledge, informations and emotions.
A crucial role of my experience was held by the people I met.
People from all over the world, with different age and background.
Incredible, unique, inspiring (and bit crazy ) human being.
Every single one has a place in my heart. I am grateful about your teaching, your support, your example.
The community life teach me that we all are one.
We all are in the middle of a continuous flow and we have to learn how to move on the wave.
You may need balance while you’re keeping the focus. But things could g wrong when you live with other 20 people (at least).
A good amount of patient helped me in this case. Release the control, let things go. Everything is gonna be fine.
In stressful moments I used the power of yoga to reestablish the balance, or a walk, or simply sitting by my own listening the nature was useful.
I feel sunseed will teach me a lot more, that’s why I will come back in October.
I would like to develop a research about alimentation and experiment new things.
And also, of course, come back to my second family ❤️