Courses and Events
Top 5 European sustainable festivals
With the festival season just beginning we wanted to take a look at a few of the more sustainable options this summer. Don’t forget, the majority of Co2 emitions from running a festival are down to the festival goers themselves. Always look at public transport options before driving and when you do have to drive, make the most of car sharing sites – share your journey or to tag along with someone else. No matter what these festivals do, it’s down to you to make your impact as small as possible.
Shambala Festival – UK
Tucked away in a ‘secret location’ in Northamptonshire UK Shambala is now powered by 100% renewable energy! The family friendly festival even encourages people to bring their own cups to refill each time!

Bona Nit Festival – Spain
A pop up one day festival based in Barcelona shows that sustainability isn’t just confined to green fields, take the chance to enjoy live music and great vegetarian food. The festival plans to spread the green message beyond their walls and into the city, recently awarded 3 stars from A Greener Festival, it’s definitely worth a visit.
Boom Festival – Portugal
A favourite of our very own Facilitation Coordinator Tom, Boom is a sustainable paradise since 1997, with the waste water from the site treated so that it can be put back into the environment as clean as when it came out.

Wood festival – UK
Another 100% renewable energy festival for our list, all the energy used comes from bio diesel, wind and solar power and not too mention ‘community spirit’. If you’re looking for a calm family friendly option then Wood is definitely for you.
If only all festivals cared about their environmental impact as much as CFF do, they nearly achieved their aim of no waste being sent to landfill with just 2% of waste not being recycled or composted, the lights on stage are low energy bulbs and they’re switched off during the day when they’re not needed. If you can make it to Cambridge this summer, take a look at their website.

Do you know any other festivals we shouldn’t miss?
Blog post written by Ben (long term volunteer)