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Wanna join our team?

Appropriate Technology Coordinator

The Appropriate Technology department coordinates the maintenance and improvement of community infrastructure, technologies and services at Sunseed. The two key areas are sun and water: renewable electricity generation and consumption, solar water heating, and solar cookers, water service provision, maintenance of the ram pump & waste water system, and overseeing of the water distribution system of Los Molinos del Rio Aguas.
The coordinator supervises volunteers in choosing and carrying out project work and may run research of his/her interest. Collaboration with other departments to correspond to the needs of the community and find possible solutions is a vital part that Appropriate Technology plays in the project.
The coordinator’s role is a volunteer position with a starting compensation of 150 euros per month and a minimum commitment of 9 months.
Core Responsibilities
Ensure electricity generation and overview consumption
Water service provision
Maintenance of ram pump and distribution system (shared with Eco-Maintenance)
Maintenance & improvement of waste water system (shared with Eco-Maintenance)
Maintenance & improvement of solar water heating 
Maintaining and encouraging the use of the solar cookers at Sunseed
Overseeing the appropriate technology tools
Guiding & mentoring volunteers & interns
Sorting, acquiring and storing AT materials
Ensuring safety related to the use of AT equipement
Planning and monitoring a departmental budget
Background in engineering, mechanics or technology
Design skills of low technology solutions
Experience in some of the following: off-grid electronics and electricity : photovoltaic panels, small wind turbines, batteries. Basic solar water heating, common plumbing systems, working with manual and power tools.
Optional experience in: woodworking, arduino-based systems/ microelectronics, programming, solar devices such as solar cookers, solar dryers
Teaching and demonstrative skills
Planning and direction of projects
Ability and interest in working with upcycled materials
Interest in Appropriate Technology, its importance in the world and its role in the development of a sustainable lifestyle
Desirable Skills
Ability to speak Spanish
Experience in community living

Please fill out this form here and send us an email with your CV and the subject `Coordinator application CV` to

Eco-Maintenance Coordinator

Sunseed is a non-formal education project for the transition to sustainability. We are totally off-grid and are committed to teaching visitors how to live a low-impact lifestyle in harmony with nature.
In keeping with our philosophy, we recycle and reuse materials wherever possible and make the most of locally available materials such as gypsum and cane. We are increasingly trying to incorporate more environmentally friendly building materials in the refurbishment of our existing buildings.
One of the responsibilities of the Maintenance Coordinator includes the supervision of volunteers who are willing to help with maintenance tasks, often with more enthusiasm than knowledge, as well as the application of clear Health and Safety standards. Larger projects require the assistance of local construction workers and must be coordinated. 
This is a voluntary position with monthly remuneration and a minimum commitment of one year.
Main responsibilities:
- Assist and supervise volunteers in carrying out tasks.
- Maintenance and improvements to our buildings.
- General maintenance of roofs, floors, doors, etc. 
- Plastering, painting and finishing with a lime wash.
- Supervision of tools and materials.
- Application of safety regulations.
- Instruction on the correct use of tools.
- Ensuring that unsafe tools are not used.
- Maintenance and repair of tools.
- Ability to lead and motivate volunteers, ranging from those with a lot of experience to those with little or no experience.
- Knowledge of construction, including plumbing repairs, plastering, painting, etc. (experience would be an asset).
- Tolerance of hard physical work in hot conditions.
- Ability to organise work schedules and work as part of a team.
- Speak Spanish and English.
Desirable skills:
- Experience in water heating systems or rainwater harvesting systems.
- Experience in green building techniques and materials.
- Experience in the use of power tools.
- Experience in plumbing. 

Please fill out this form here  and send us an email with your CV and the subject `Eco-Maintenance Coordinator application CV` to

Drylands Coordinator

Sunseed is a non-formal education project for the transition toward sustainability. We are entirely off-grid and committed to letting visitors learn with us how to live a low-impact lifestyle in harmony with nature.
Work in the Drylands Management department is very varied and challenging. Historically, the project has focused on the study of both native and exotic plants adapted to semi-arid environments.
Nowadays, the department's objectives are focused on environmental education, conservation and restoration of the biodiverse local ecosystem, with its autochthonous plant communities. We research and apply techniques for control of soil erosion, increase of water infiltration, soil fertility, carbon sequestration, conservation of and support to local biodiversity.
The department’s priority is to educate and raise awareness about:
- The protected local semi-arid ecosystem of the “Paraje Karst en Yesos de Sorbas” , its unique climate, geology, and all the life that animates it. 
- The impact of current and past human activities on natural cycles of elements and water and on life of all living organisms in the Paraje and its surrounding.
- The objective, strategy and activities of the Drylands Management Department.
-Alongside these activities the department also dedicates to the traditional agronomic activities characteristic of the local lands, such as carob and olive harvests, tree pruning, path maintenance and composting.
Technological limitations mean that adaptability and originality are necessary factors when designing experiments and projects of action. The department has basic facilities which include a library of past records, a seed bank and a digital and paper herbarium in development.
This is a volunteer position with a minimum commitment of 1 year.
Core Responsibilities
-Controlling soil erosion and restoring vegetal cover of the land.
-Maintain a low-tech plant nursery, ensuring the appropriate growth of shrubs, trees and herbs for transplanting within the 26 ha of drylands owned by Sunseed.
-Welcome, guide and Involve volunteers and interns in the work of the department and encourage them in the pro-active development of their own projects to satisfactory completion.
-Write and supervise the production of reports/theses, document activities/projects of the department and their monitoring, prepare project proposals..
-Maintain tools, instruct on their proper use and apply safety rules.
-Take care of the acequia in the part between Diego 3 to our wastewater system, by sharing the responsibility with the other practical departments and by coordinating its maintenance actions with the neighbours.
Other Responsibilities
-Maintain and build walls, paths, steps, fences and boundary markers.
-Use low impact, sustainable methods of humanure composting, safe wastewater management and erosion control.
-Vegetation management including seeding, planting, propagation from cuttings, tree pruning and fruit/seed harvesting.
-Keep clear records of the boundaries of our various parcels of land, of their geology, hydrology and plant cover, and of how they are changing over time.
-Communicate our aims to a wide audience, online, in the village and elsewhere.
-Experience and knowledge of dryland ecosystems, land restoration, water management and/or any related areas.
-Tolerance of hard physical work in hot conditions.
-Ability to lead and motivate volunteers and interns, who range from those with a wealth of experience to those with little or none.
-Ability to work in cooperation with other departments.

Please fill out this form here  and send us an email with your CV and the subject `Drylands Coordinator application CV` to

Education Coordinator

The Education Coordinator is responsible for putting in place the educational aspect of Sunseed Desert Technology for volunteers and staff. This position involves close collaboration within the Office Team and all other Coordinators to ensure that Sunseed’s development as an educational centre of experiential/informal learning, through the delivery of successful educational experiences, both internally and externally, is met. The work is diverse and wide-ranging, depending on the skills and knowledge of the successful candidate.

Core Responsibilities
-Organise educational activities such as courses, workshops, open days, external visits, school visits, group visits, guided tours, seminars
Researching educational strategies, activities and programmes
-Represent Sunseed in public events, such as talks and conferences
-Develop and oversee a working mentoring system for volunteers and staff at Sunseed
-Encourage the development of monitoring and evaluation of activities and learning processes
-Encourage the participation of staff members in courses and seminars for their further skill development

Other Responsibilities
-Maintaining and improving signs around the project
-Conducting tours and giving information to visitors
-Organising activities for volunteers within the education department
-Monitoring and recording internships and feedback forms
-Maintaining files of important contact information on different organisations/networks, materials etc. and ensuring they are properly archived
-Writing blogs and articles related to the educational activity at Sunseed
-Organising fundraising events
-Ensuring that all interns and long-term volunteers receive Sunseed certificates

-Commitment to promoting low impact living and environmental education.
-Confident in public speaking, workshop delivery and facilitation with young people
-Initiative and creativity to explore new opportunities, networks and ideas
-Excellent communication skills, including ability to work as part of a closely integrated team; patience and open mindedness to work with all members of the Sunseed community in a non-hierarchical organisational method
-Excellent spoken English and Spanish.

Please send us an email with your CV and the subject `Education Coordinator application CV` to

Communications Coordinator

The Communications Department coordinates the education of volunteers and visitors and the production of marketing and educational publicity material. Using social media, the Sunseed website and local contacts, we generate interest in our commitment to living a sustainable and low-impact lifestyle.

Core Responsibilities
-Producing Sunseed e-newsletters
-Maintaining and developing Sunseed’s website, social media profiles and other web presence
-Producing other publicity materials such as posters, postcards, fliers and information as needed
-Ensuring all project documentation is up-to-date and consistent in style
-Ensuring that as much as possible Sunseed literature is in both English and Spanish
-Approaching both Spanish and English media (magazines, websites, radio, TV etc.) regarding possible features, articles and broadcasts about Sunseed
-Advertising the project cost-effectively
-Helping to organise and publicise special events such as courses, guided tours and open days with the Education Coordinator
-Helping to organise Sunseed events
-General office support as needed

-Experience writing blog items and social media posts
-Knowledge and experience of platforms such as Mailjet and WordPress
-Media/PR experience
-Photography and video skills
-Previous knowledge of NGO administration
-An understanding of organisational structures, particularly non-hierarchical organisations and those in the third sector
-Previous work experience with volunteers ideally in a support role
-A strong affinity with Sunseed’s vision and mission
-Good spoken Spanish and English

Desirable Skills
-Graphic design experience (PS / AI / IN)
-Commitment to promoting low-impact living
-Good organisational abilities
-Good communication skills, including ability to work as part of a closely integrated team
-Confidence, sensitivity, patience and open mindedness
-Own laptop with software installed
-Proven experience engaging with a diverse audience
-Ability to set targets, identify priorities and monitor progress
-Ability to live in a basic communal environment with limited resources and the desire to live and work closely with group members
-Ability to document and evaluate work

Please send us an email with your CV and the subject `Communications Coordinator application CV` to

Sustainable Living Coordinator

The Sustainable Living department coordinates the smooth running of Sunseed’s low-impact lifestyle. The department ensures that all visitors contribute to it through shared cooking and household duties. The department is central to educating all volunteers in everyday low-impact, sustainable living and bringing awareness to the no chemical policy. The Sustainable Living Coordinator implements the Sunseed Food Policy to ensure an ethical, healthy, vegetarian diet. It is a very broad role involving many different tasks and getting to the core of community life, keeping the focus on the importance of an integrated and environmentally aware lifestyle.

Core Responsibilities
-Undertaking the running of Sunseed’s low-impact household
-Orientating volunteers on arrival and educating them in low-impact living
-Organising the accommodation and the communal area
-Supervising hygiene, health and safety, cleanliness, tidiness
-Publishing and updating rotas, notices and routines
-Implementing and encouraging no-chemical policy
-Making organic soap, toothpaste and cosmetics
-Food Management (making orders, harvesting etc)
-Overseeing the implementation of the Sunseed Food Policy
-Promoting solar and energy-efficient cooking
-Preserving excess produce from the gardens (preserves, ferments, olives, almonds etc)
-Foraging wild plants and promoting their use
-Taking care of the medicinal garden and using medicinal plants
-Baking bread

-Passion for low impact living
-Experience baking bread, making preserves and natural cosmetics
-Commitment to use of low-impact cooking technologies, and reducing consumption and waste

Please send us an email with your CV and the subject `Sustainable Living application CV` to

Organic Gardens Coordinator

Specific techniques in horticulture are required to work the terrace system and traditional irrigation channel. The Organic Garden department currently cares for twelve gardens which produce a wide range of food crops. The role of the gardens is to provide food for the project, education and research and improve environmental integration by maximizing the cycling of our waste materials.

Our gardens are run strictly according to organic principles and we incorporate the use of permaculture design. Careful soil management is especially important. No artificial chemicals are used.
Working in the gardens is always popular with volunteers, therefore the Gardens Coordinator needs to be able to work and communicate effectively with a wide range of people.

Core Responsibilities
- Using a mixture of methods such as crop rotation, companion planting, inter-cropping
- Planning sowing and transplanting times
- Preparing garden beds
- Tree care
- Greenhouse management
- Soil Management
- Monitoring crop yield
- Starting and maintaining compost heaps
- Crop selection
- Proper irrigation techniques
- Using organic methods for pest control
- Trialling and developing effective gardening techniques to meet local conditions
- Assisting and supervising volunteers
- Supervising innovative volunteer projects
- Education and Documentation
- Incorporating volunteers into the work and methodology
- Assistance with development of volunteer projects to satisfactory completion
- Interdepartmental cooperation
- Work as a team to ensure the smooth running of Sunseed
- Check if urine tanks needs to be emptied

- Experience and knowledge of all aspects of organic growing
- Tolerance of hard physical work in hot conditions
- Ability to lead and motivate volunteers, who range from those with a wealth of experience to those with very little
- Ability to work in cooperation with other departments
-Fluency in Spanish

Desired skills
- Driving license
- Experience with permaculture
- Experience with agroforestry

Please send us an email with your CV and the subject `Organic Gardens application CV` to

Administrative Assistant

We are looking for a person in the role of assistant to join our office team in the administration department, starting in November! If you would like to live in our community for a minimum of three months, this opportunity is for you.

The administration department is mainly responsible for managing the accounting and financing of the project. It is also in charge of preparing documents such as invoices, receipts... and managing everything to do with the legal aspects of the project.

-6 hours/day (weekends off)
-Assist the person currently coordinating the Administration department.
-Desirable skills and requirements
-Enthusiasm for the work
-Demonstrable experience and skills in managing spreadsheets with Google Sheets to automate accounting processes and financial reviews
-Experience in community life

A compensation of €150 is offered for travel expenses reimbursable at the time of departure.

To apply, please contact Xavier through email

Organic Gardens Assistant

The project currently cares for nine gardens which produce a wide range of food crops such as tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, garlic, broad beans etc as well as herbs and fruit.

The role of the gardens are:
1. To provide food for the project.
2. Education and research.
3. To improve environmental integration by maximizing the cycling of our waste materials.

Our gardens are run strictly according to organic principles. Careful soil management is especially important because of the type of soil (alkaline) and the effects of flood irrigation. Our soil is maintained using compost made on site and manures. No artificial chemicals are used, neither to increase fertility nor combat pests. Working in the gardens is always popular with volunteers and it is therefore important to be able to work and communicate effectively with a wide range of people.

The gardens team consists of one coordinator (responsible for the overall planning and management of the gardens) and one or two assistants.

This position is a learning opportunity to gain valuable knowledge in the running of an established NGO, in working closely with different departments, and in off-grid, sustainable, community living. The assistant will work closely with the coordinator in the Gardens team and his or her responsibility is to ensure that the educational potential and overall experience of the volunteers are fulfilled.

Please note, the successful applicant will work and guide volunteers in the gardens. The period of enrolment is from 3 to 6 months with the potential to be extended.

-Planning and production of vegetables and fruit
-Using a mixture of methods such as crop rotation, companion planting, intercropping
-Planning sowing and transplanting times
-Plant propagation
-Preparing beds
-Fruit tree care
-Soil Management
-Starting and maintaining compost heaps
-Crop selection
-Irrigation techniques
-Plant Care and Pest Control
-Storing and using urine
-Preparing liquid feeds from local plants
-Using and developing organic methods for prevention and treatment of pests and diseases
-Desirable skills and requirements
-Good working knowledge of different horticultural practices based either upon academic study, practical experience, or a mixture of both
-Previous work experience with volunteers ideally in a support role
-Good communication skills
-A strong affinity with Sunseed’s vision and mission
-Ability and drive to do physical work in a wide variety of weather conditions including heat in summer, and rain/cold in winter
-Ability to self-organise and motivate others

A Compensation 50 euros/month the first 3 months, 70 the 4th month, 90 euros the 5th month and 110 for any additional months, and if they want to stay longer, it will remain at 110 and accommodation (double room).

To apply, please contact JuanMa through email

Sustainable Living Assistant

The Sustainable Living department coordinates the smooth running of Sunseed’s low-impact lifestyle. The department ensures that all members can contribute, through shared cooking and household duties. 

The department is central to educating all volunteers in everyday low-impact, sustainable living and bringing awareness to the no chemical policy. The Sustainable Living Assistant will support the Sustainable Living Coordinator in ensuring Sunseed’s current sustainability policies are being carried out, while looking at ways to incorporate more eco-friendly practices into the community. It is a very broad role involving many different tasks and getting to the core of community life, keeping the focus on the importance of an integrated and environmentally aware lifestyle.

This is a volunteer position with compensation of 50 euros/month the first 3 months, 70 the 4th month, 90 euros the 5th month and 110 for any additional months, and if they want to stay longer, it will remain at 110 and accommodation (double room).

-You will work alongside the Sustainable Living Coordinator to undertake the following:
-Orientating volunteers on arrival and educating them in low impact living
-Promoting good hygiene, health and safety, cleanliness and tidiness within the community
-Encouraging Sunseed’s no chemical and food policies
-Preparing cosmetics, household items, bread, preserves, ferments etc.
-Supplying the community with locally sourced eco-friendly products (where possible)
-Promoting more energy-efficient practices (such as cooking, washing clothes etc.)
-Foraging wild plants and promoting their use in food, medicine and cosmetics
-Tending to the medicinal garden and using medicinal plants where possible
-Organising market stalls and educating the public about Sunseed

-Strong interest in low impact living, with the ability to represent and demonstrate this across all aspects of community life
-Desire to bring new ideas or strategies that will improve sustainable practice at Sunseed
-Ability to work as part of a team, collaborate with others and encourage contributions from those with less experience or knowledge
-Interest in working within the context of an eco-community
-Suitable level of English (ability to communicate)
-Clean driving licence (only applicable if over 26 years of age)
-Commitment of at least 3 months at Sunseed
-Motivation to carry out physical work under a variety of weather conditions, including heat in summer and rain/cold in winter

-Experience making bread, cosmetics, ferments and/or preserves
-Knowledge of common medicinal plant species and their uses
-Good level of Spanish, or a strong desire to learn
-Previous experience as part of a community or eco-village
-A strong affinity with Sunseed’s vision and mission

To apply, please contact Eli through email

Required skills:

  1. Commitment to Sunseed’s vision, mission and goals

  2. Commitment to environmental stewardship and social change

  3. Willingness to share knowledge and ideas and encourage learning, teaching and community integration

  4. Ability to give short talks and guided tours

  5. Ability to be flexible, co-operative and welcoming to all visitors

  6. Ability to provide mentoring for visitors and supervise their projects

  7. Good communication skills, good Spanish and English

Desirable skills:

  1. If over 25, a full driving license valid for driving in Spain

  2. Interest in living off-grid in a sustainable way


Vegetarian food

Locally sourced mostly organic food included

Paid holidays

24 days of paid holidays per year


Internet, cosmetics, detergents, library, etc. provided

Scenic landscape

Unique location within a natural reserve with a natural pool


If you come directly as a coordinator the ideal will be to have 1 month of handover, during this month you will receive 130€ and 180€ for the next 5 months. If you don’t have a handover month, it will be 180€ from the first month. 

✔️1 MONTH WITH HANDOVER – 130€/month

✔️2-6 MONTHS – 180€/month

✔️7-12 MONTHS – 210€/month

✔️13-18 MONTHS – 240€/month

✔️19+ MONTHS – 270€/month

The minimum commitment required for coordinators is 1 year. It will be considered on a case to case basis if a coordinator cannot commit for a full year.

Project Manager

Project managers are paid 300€/month. To be a project manager you must have previously been a department coordinator for a minimum of 6 months. If you have previously been an assistant or intern for 3 or more months or ESC, this time will be reduced to 3 months. 

Project Managers will assume a coordinator position as well. The coordinator of any department can assume the role of project manager. If you take on the role of project manager you must have a 2 year commitment from the time you take on this role. 

Committing to Sunseed

Living at Sunseed as a community member means more than simply doing your job well. You will be expected to balance environment, community and personal needs.
You will also be expected to take part fully in community life, relevant meetings and to assist in duties that are outside of your post like sharing communal duties such as cooking and cleaning as well as setting a good example in areas such as enthusiasm, safe practices, punctuality and socialising.

All staff members: 

  • participate in the planning and implementation of tasks in their department and contribute to the overall longer-term strategic development of the project.
  • are responsible for supervising volunteers and implementing the Health and Safety guidelines in all activities (this is of utmost importance for staff involved in supervising unskilled volunteers in potentially hazardous situations).
  • are expected to follow and oversee Sunseed’s mission and policies (vegetarian, no-chemical), procedures (grievance) and agreements (communal).